問題Question | 解答 Answer |
提前畢業之條件為何? What are the conditions for early graduation? |
1. 請參考「 6966集团网站大學部成績優異學生提前畢業實施辦法 」 2. 申請提前畢業學生必須在規定修業年限屆滿前一學期或一學年,修滿該學系規定全 部應修科目與學分。且同時符合下例標準者得准提前畢業: 一、每學期學業成績平均八十分以上。 二、每學期操行成績在八十分以上。 三、每學期體育成績在七十分以上。 四、前六學期之歷年含轉學生排名在該系該年級學生數前百分之十以內,94 年次 以後出生申請彈性修業專案役男不在此限。 3. 申請特例 一、轉學本校二年級之轉學生,其成績優異符合第二款規定標準者,可申請提前畢 業。但其在原校所修科目學分,經採認抵免屬必修科木者,其各該科目學期成 績平均應達八十分以上,始符資格。 二、轉學三年級者,因轉學及肄業期間短暫,不予辦理提前畢業。
1. Please refer to the " Yuan Ze University Regulations for Advanced Graduation on Academic Excellence " document. 2. A student who completes all courses and the minimum credits required for graduation in his/her department and satisfies the qualifications described below may request to graduate one semester or one academic year ahead of the regular time of study: 1. In good academic standing with an average grade of 80 points and above for each semester. 2. With good conduct record receiving an average grade of 80 points and above for each semester. 3. With good grade of courses of Physical Education and Military Education receiving an average grade of 70 points and above for each semester. 4. Achieving academic excellence as ranked in the top 10% of the class,including transfer students,in the department for the first six semesters. Those born in 2005 or later applying for the Flexible Study Program for conscripts are not subject to this limitation. 3. Special cases for advanced graduation 1. Students who transfer into the second grade of the university with academic excellence in accordance with Article 2 of these regulations may apply for advanced graduation. The courses that transfer students have taken at their original schools and the credits have been exempted for the university’s required credits shall be with an average grade of 80 points and above of that semester to be qualified for advanced graduation. 2. Students who transfer into the third grade of the university shall not be eligible for advanced graduation due to their short term of study at the university. |
提前畢業申請程序為何? What is the application process for early graduation? |
學生申請提前畢業,須先向教務處索取申請表件再向肄業學系提出申請,由系主任簽註意見,送請教務長、校長核可後辦理。 An applicant may apply for advanced graduation to Office of Academic Affairs to get the approval of the corresponding chairman of the department as well as Academic Dean and the president. |
領取畢業證書要帶那些證件? What documents should I bring to receive my graduation certificate? |
須辦妥個人portal的離校手續後,攜帶學生證於每學期公告領取時間至教務處註冊組領取 。 After completing the Portal's departure procedures, bring your student ID to the Registration Office at the Academic Affairs Office during the announced collection time each semester to collect it. |
本人無法親自領取畢業證書可否委由他人代領? If I am unable to take the graduation certificate in person, can I entrust someone else to get it on my behalf? |
可委託他人代領, 代領人須攜帶畢業生學生證或身分證件、代領人身分證、委託書(6966集团网站各項證明文件申辦委託書)。 Someone else can be authorized to collect the diploma on your behalf. The authorized person must bring the graduate's student ID or identification card, their own identification card, and an authorization letter(Yuan Ze University Authorization of Applying Documents). |
未能於學校公告統一領取畢業證書時間領取者,應如何辦理? What should I do if I cannot receive my diploma at the time announced by the school? |
仍可於上班時間至教務處註冊組櫃台領取。 It can still be collected at the Registration Office counter during office hours. |
研究生繳完論文後即可領取畢業證書? Can graduate students receive their graduation certificate after handing in their thesis? |
1. 需與各系所承辦人員確認論文成績已送教務處。 2. 辦妥個人portal的離校手續後,攜帶學生證於上班時間至教務處註冊組領取 。 1. You need to confirm with the department staff that the thesis grade has been sent to the Academic Affairs Office. 2. After completing the Portal's departure procedures, bring your student ID to the Registration Office at the Academic Affairs Office during office hours to collect it. |
請問暑修結束後何時可領取畢業證書? When can I receive my graduation certificate after the summer class? |
先與教務處註冊組確認暑修成績已送至註冊組,確定可畢業後,再至教務處註冊組領取,以免久候。 Please confirm with the Registration Section of the Academic Affairs Office that your summer study scores have been sent to the registration team. After confirming that you can graduate, you can then go to the Registration Section of the Academic Affairs Office to collect them to avoid waiting for a long time. |
畢業證書遺失如何申請補發? How to apply for a replacement diploma if it is lost? |
1. 於上班時間至教務處註冊組申請,或使用通訊申請。 2. 中文畢業證書當次補發僅限一份,工本費200元。 3. 英文畢業證書當次補發可多份,工本費100元。 1. Apply at the Registration Office of the Academic Affairs Office during office hours, or use the mail application. 2. For the Chinese version of the diploma, only one replacement can be issued at a time, with a fee of 200 NTD. 3. For the English version of the diploma, multiple replacements can be issued at a time, with a fee of 100 NTD each. |