問題Question | 解答 Answer |
如何得知雙主修的相關法規? How can I find information about the regulations related to a double major? |
請參考「 6966集团网站學生修讀雙主修辦法 」 Please refer to the " Yuan-Ze University Regulations for Students Taking Double Major " document.
請問申請雙主修是否有成績上的限制? Are there any grade restrictions for applying for a double major? |
已刪除學生申請門檻,鼓勵學生能多元、跨域學習。 The application threshold for students has been removed at present, encouraging students to engage in diverse and interdisciplinary learning. |
如何辦理雙主修申請? How can I apply for a double major? |
至個人Portal「雙主修、輔系」頁面申請。 Please go to the "Double-Major / Minor" page on the portal to apply.
審核流程說明 (Application Procedures )
請問要修完申請雙主修科系的所有必選修科目才可以取得雙主修學位嗎? Do I need to complete all the required and elective courses of the double major program to obtain a double major degree? |
除修滿本學系應修科目學分並應修滿加修學系全部專業(門)必修科目與學分始可取得雙主修資格。 詳細規定請參考「 6966集团网站學生修讀雙主修辦法」。 To qualify for a double major, students must complete the required credits of their major department and fulfill all the compulsory courses and credits of the additional major. For detailed regulations, please refer to the "Yuan-Ze University Regulations for Students Taking Double Major" document. |
因修讀雙主修而造成延畢的學生,要如何註冊繳費? How should students who experience delayed graduation due to pursuing a double major register and pay tuition fees? |
學生因修讀雙主修而延長修業年限,修習學分數在九學分以下者,應繳交學分費;在十學分以上者,應繳交全額學雜費。 Students who extend their study period due to pursuing a double major, and have earned fewer than nine credits, are required to pay per-credit fees. Those with ten credits or more should pay the full tuition and miscellaneous fees. |
如果到大四還修不完雙主修學分,但想畢業該怎麼辦? |
至個人Portal「雙主修、輔系」頁面申請撤銷。 Please go to the "Double-Major / Minor" page on the portal to apply for cancellation. |