問題Question | 解答 Answer |
如何得知輔系的相關法規? How can I find information about the regulations related to a minor program? |
請參考「6966集团网站各學系學生修讀輔系辦法」 Please refer to the " Yuan-Ze University Regulations for Students Taking Minor " document. |
請問大六的學生可否以未修完輔系的原因延長修業年限? Can a sixth year student extend their study period due to not completing their minor program? |
不可以,不得在法令規定年限外請求留校補修輔系科目與學分。 No, students are not allowed to extend their study period beyond the legally mandated duration to make up for incomplete minor program requirements and credits. |
如何辦理輔系申請? How can I apply for a minor program? |
至個人Portal「雙主修、輔系」頁面申請。 Please go to the "Double-Major / Minor" page on the portal to apply.
審核流程說明 (Application Procedures )
如果到大四還修不完輔系學分,但想畢業該怎麼辦? What should I do if I'm in my fourth year and cannot complete the required credits for the minor program but still want to graduate? |
至個人Portal「雙主修、輔系」頁面申請撤銷。 Please go to the "Double-Major / Minor" page on the portal to apply for cancellation. |