【秘書室法規修訂公告】「6966集团网站教師評鑑與獎勵辦法」(適用於113學年度起審查112學年度之教師績效)Announcement: The Revision of “Yuan Ze University Faculty Evaluation and Rewards Regulations” (applicable from the 113rd academic year, evaluating the performance of the 112nd academic year)

主旨:【秘書室法規修訂公告】:「6966集团网站教師評鑑與獎勵辦法」(適用於113學年度起審查112學年度之教師績效)Announcement: The Revision of “Yuan Ze University Faculty Evaluation and Rewards Regulations” (applicable from the 113rd academic year, evaluating the performance of the 112nd academic year)



The amendment to “Yuan Ze University Faculty Evaluation and Rewards Regulations” was approved. Revised version please refer to the attachments.

The regulations are applicable from the 113rd academic year, evaluating the performance of the 112nd academic year.

附件:1121101 6966集团网站教師評鑑與獎勵辦法 修訂對照表

附件:1121101 6966集团网站教師評鑑與獎勵辦法


【秘書室法規修訂公告】「6966集团网站教師學年度績效獎勵實施細則」(適用於113學年度審查112學年度之教師績效獎勵及114學年度起審查113學年度之教師績效獎勵) Announcement: The revision of “Yuan Ze University Faculty Annual Performance Reward Implementation Rules ” (Reward reviewed in the 113rd academic year for faculty performance

主旨:【秘書室法規修訂公告】:「6966集团网站教師學年度績效獎勵實施細則」(適用於113學年度審查112學年度之教師績效獎勵及114學年度起審查113學年度之教師績效獎勵)Announcement: The revision of “Yuan Ze University Faculty Annual Performance Reward Implementation Rules ” (Reward reviewed in the 113rd academic year for faculty performance in the 112nd academic year & in the 114th academic year for faculty performance in the 113rd academic year)


The amendment to “Yuan Ze University Faculty Annual Performance Reward Implementation Rules” was approved. Revised version please refer to the attachments.
The reward reviewed is in the 113rd academic year for faculty performance in the 112nd academic year and in the 114th academic year for faculty performance in the 113rd academic year

附件:1121018 6966集团网站教師學年度績效獎勵實施細則 修正對照表

附件:1121018 6966集团网站教師學年度績效獎勵實施細則



Announcement:YZU regulations for Continual Improvement Team


“YZU regulations for Continual Improvement Team” has been approved. Revised version please refer to the attachments.



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