類別 Category | 中文詞彙 Chinese Vocabulary | 英文詞彙 English Vocabulary | 備註 Note |
學務 | 青年職涯發展資源 | Youth Career Development Resources | |
學務 | 書面告誡 | Written Warning | |
學務 | 團體保險 | Group Insurance | |
學務 | 導師工作 | Mentor Duties and Responsibilities | |
學務 | 學系主任導師 | Department Chief Mentor | |
學務 | 分發通知書 | Notice of Assignment | |
學務 | 個別諮商 | Individual Counseling | |
學務 | 初談服務 | Intake Service | |
學務 | 精神科諮詢 | Psychiatric Consultation | |
學務 | 特殊教育學生 | Special Education Students | |
學務 | 身心障礙學生服務 | Disability Support Services | |
學務 | 個別化支持計畫 | Individualized Support Plan | |
學務 | 特殊教育學生學習相關補助經費 | Special Education Learning-related Subsidies | |
學務 | 特教鑑定 | Special Education Identification | |
學務 | 進退宿申請 | Check-in / Check-out Application | |
學務 | 床位轉換 | Bed Transfer | |
學務 | 住宿申請 | Accommodation Application | |
學務 | 顧客服務 | Customer Service | |
學務 | 宿舍輔導員 | Dormitory Cunselors | |
學務 | 宿舍自治會 | Student Dormitory Association | |
學務 | 宿舍服務組 | Student Housing Service Section | |
學務 | 健康檢查 | Health Examination | |
學務 | 校級防疫小組 | University-level Epidemic Control Team | |
學務 | 防疫聯絡人 | Contact Persons for Epidemic Control | |
學務 | 蚊媒傳染病 | Mosquito-borne Infectious Diseases | |
學務 | 菸害防制 | Tobacco Hazards Prevention | |
學務 | 病例集中區 | Affected Area(s) |
學務 | 住宿生 | Dormitory Residents | |
學務 | 集體生病 | Mass Infection | |
學務 | 群聚感染 | Cluster Infection | |
學務 | 校園傳染病防治小組 | Campus Epidemic Control Team | |
學務 | 隔離檢疫 | Isolation and Quarantine | |
學務 | 停課 | University Closure | |
學務 | 補課 | Make-up Classes | |
學務 | 餐飲單位 | Catering Unit | |
學務 | 自我健康管理 | Self-health Management | |
學務 | 開放性肺結核 | Open Tuberculosis | |
學務 | 指標個案 | Index Patient / Case | |
學務 | 可傳染期 | Period of Communicability | |
學務 | 衛生安全&餐具清潔檢查 | Hygiene Checklist | |
學務 | 學生餐廳 | Restaurant | |
學務 | 輔導轉介 | Referral Service | |
學務 | 系心理師 | Department Counselor | |
學務 | 導生關懷系統 | Mentor&Mentee Care System | |
學務 | 品德教育推動小組 | Character Education Promotion Team | |
學務 | 防制校園霸凌因應小組 | Prevention of Campus Bullying Response Team | |
學務 | 新生入學活動 | YZU Freshman Orientation | |
學務 | 家長訪校日 | YZU Parents' Day | |
學務 | 畢業典禮 | YZU Commencement | |
學務 | 諮商與就業輔導組 | Counseling & Career Development Section | |
學務 | 課外活動組 | Extracurricular Activities Section | |
學務 | 生活輔導組 | Life Guidance Section | |
學務 | 衛生保健組 | Sanitary & Health Care Section | |
學務 | 原住民族學生資源中心 | Indigenous Students Resource Center | |
學務 | 學生會 | Student Association | |
學務 | 學生校外活動 | Students' Off-campus Activities | |
學務 | 學生校外活動安全 | Safety for Students' Off-campus Activities | |
學務 | 學生社團 | Student Club | |
學務 | 服務學習 | Service Learning | |
學務 | 學生自治組織 | Autonomous Student Organization | |
學務 | 自治性社團 | Student Autonomy Organizations | |
學務 | 一般性社團 | General Student Clubs / Organizations | |
學務 | 社團負責人 | Club Leader | |
學務 | 志願服務 | Volunteer Services | |
學務 | 五育活動 | Five Activities | |
學務 | 服務學習教育 | Service-learning Education | |
學務 | 勞作服務 | Labor Service | |
學務 | 愛校服務 | Campus Service | |
學務 | 社區服務 | Community Service | |
學務 | 專業服務 | Professional Service | |
學務 | 國際志工服務 | International Volunteering Service |