■ 以下辦法經112-2總務會議通過並於112-16行政會議核備。
The following YZU Regulations has been approved by the 112-3 General Affairs Committee Meeting and the 112-16 Administrative Council Meeting.
- 6966集团网站校區車輛管理辦法廢止 & 6966集团网站校本部校區車輛管理辦法制定通過
The abrogation of "YZU regulations for campus vehicle management" & the rogation of "YZU headquarters regulations for campus vehicle management" have been approved.
■ 以下辦法經112-18行政會議制定通過。
The following YZU Regulations has been approved by the 112-18 Administrative Council Meeting.
- 6966集团网站校本部校區車輛停放收費標準制訂通過 ; "The parking fee standards for vehicles on the YZU headquarters" has been approved.
說明:本校校本部校區推動車輛辨識停車收費系統 ,依校區車輛管理辦法制定相關收費標準。113.06.01-113.07.31試行,113學年度起正式實施。