入校車輛請依規定行駛與停放 All vehicles entering the campus are reminded to abide by YZU traffic regulations for driving and parking.

All vehicles entering the campus are reminded to abide by YZU traffic regulations for driving and parking. The security team will intensify checks on illegally parked vehicles from 2024/04/01


  1. 六、七館地下室停車場限教職員工車輛停放;廠商送貨車輛為搬運卸貨得臨時停放。第三宿舍地下室限教職員工汽車以及校內進駐營業廠商停車。
  2. 學生/學員於學期中(非寒暑假期間)之週一至週五日間一律停放上段校區A區停車場,禁止駛入主校區

Brief description

  1. The underground parking lots of Buildings Six and Seven are designated for faculty and staff vehicles only; temporary parking is allowed for loading and unloading by vendors. The underground parking lot of the Third Dormitory is reserved for faculty and staff cars as well as parking by on-campus commercial vendors.
  2. From 07:00 to 17:00 during weekdays outside of summer and winter vacations, students/lifelong learning members are required to park exclusively at the Upper Section Campus A Parking Lot and are prohibited from entering the main campus.

總務處敬上 Announced by the General Affairs Office

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