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Trial Period: From now until 2025/01/04

Access Restrictions: On-Campus Access or YZU SSL VPN

Access Path: Yuan Ze University Library → Library Resources → Electronic Databases → Trial Databases


1.Nursing Education in Video: Third Edition

  • Nursing Education in Video is an up-to-date collection of demonstration and training videos designed to help students improve their clinical skills. This resource provides access to Medcom's complete collection of 300+ full-length training videos allowing your patrons anytime, anywhere access to the latest resources available for nurse training so they can provide the best possible patient care.
  • URL:https://video.alexanderstreet.com/channel/nursing-education-in-video-third-edition

2.Nursing and Mental Health in Video: A Symptom Media Collection

3.Alexander Street-Clinical Nursing Skills in Video

  • Clinical Nursing Skills in Video is a new and growing collection of regularly updated demonstration and training videos produced by ProQuest to help students improve their clinical skills. This ongoing resource will grow over the coming years and allows your patrons anytime, anywhere access to the latest resources available for nurse training so they can provide the best possible patient care. The skills demonstrated in this collection were selected and reviewed by an advisory board of licensed nurses, nursing educators, researchers, and librarians to ensure students are accessing videos displaying current best practice and meet current standards of clinical judgement and videos are peer-reviewed and accredited by the ANCC (American Nurses Credentialling Center).
  • Whether a nursing student preparing to enter the clinical environment or an instructor looking to integrate a pediatric assessment video into their lesson on assessing special populations, Clinical Nursing Skills in Video offers essential visual examples for supporting the curriculum at all levels from undergraduate to professional.
  • URL:https://video.alexanderstreet.com/channel/clinical-nursing-skills-in-video

4.Alexsander Street-Forensic Nursing in Video: A Symptom Media Collection

  • Symptom Media’s Forensic Nursing Collection, produced in collaboration with the Academy of Forensic Nursing, features a variety of video case studies detailing stories of abuse, sexual assault, and injury. Case study demonstrations include principles of trauma informed care, seeking consent, and history taking. The collection also offers step-by-step instructional videos on the proper procedures behind forensic nursing, such as evidence collection and handling, documentation, and forensic photography.
  • URL:https://video.alexanderstreet.com/channel/forensic-nursing-in-video-a-symptom-media-collection
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