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2024-12-04 【請注意】校園全面禁煙,敬請全體師生配合![Please note] Smoking is prohibited on campus. All teachers and students are kindly requested to cooperate!
2024-12-04 The "2024 University-Friendly Campus and Human Rights Environment Indicator Survey" – Complete the survey to receive a $100 convenience store e-gift voucher!
2024-12-03 [Announcement] Application Schedule and Related Information for Graduate Program Transfers in the 113-2 Semester
2024-11-27 【轉知Announcement】教育部辦理「補助大學校院新工程教育方法實驗與建構計畫徵件須知」(如附件),詳請參閱
2024-11-26 【轉知Announcement】教育部補助人文社會科學相關領域專案計畫教學人員作業原則,請查照
2024-11-22 【訊息轉知】人事室提醒單位/計畫約聘人員之薪資單應檢附「出勤暨工作日誌表」
2024-11-18 2025 CAU International Winter Program Info Session
2024-11-18 【Student Housing Service Section Announcement】Announcement of the Winter Vacation Dormitory Application in 113 Academic Year
2024-11-18 1131 Course Withdrawal Announcement
2024-10-22 2024年全球Top 2%頂尖科學家榜單 元智上榜教師比例私校第一(非醫學類綜合型大學)
2024-10-07 Welcome to the Info. Session about the study program at Temple University, USA
2024-04-25 6/6(四)-6/7(五) 教育部113年校務評鑑實地訪視注意事項(含學生申請公假相關說明) 6/6 (Thursday) - 6/7 (Friday) Notifications for the on-site visit of the MOE’s 2024th year campus evaluation (including explanation of student application for Official leave)
2024-04-17 【宿服組公告】4/20蚊蟲消毒公告Mosquito disinfection announcement
2024-04-01 【宿服組公告】4/7蚊蟲消毒公告Mosquito disinfection announcement
2024-02-06 【生輔組公告】112-2學期學產基金低收入戶學生助學金申請~3月4日止Scholarship for Low-Income Students from the Educational Production Fund in the 112-2 Academic Semester.
2023-12-06 【轉知教育部函】112年12月私校退撫儲金監理會會訊 Announcement:2023/12 Newsletter for the Private School Retirement and Pension Fund

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