【課外組公告】轉知桃園市政府社會局辦理之「2025台灣燈會在桃園志工召募」,歡迎同學踴躍報名。 The Taoyuan City Government Social Affairs Bureau is recruiting volunteers for the "2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taoyuan". Students are cordially invited to apply.
2024-11-28 |
【課外組公告】轉知臺北市政府青年局辦理「臺北青年理想生活節」,歡迎同學踴躍報名。 Taipei City Government Youth Affairs Bureau is organizing the "Taipei Youth Ideal Living Festival". Students are cordially invited to participate.
2024-11-28 |
【課外組公告】轉知逢甲大學辦理之「國土未來GO想:短影音競賽」,歡迎同學踴躍報名。 Feng Chia University is now accepting applications for the "Future of Our Land: Short Video Competition." Students are encouraged to participate.
2024-11-28 |
【課外組公告】轉知桃園市政府青年事務局辦理之「第六屆桃園市政府青年諮詢會徵選」延期,歡迎同學踴躍報名。The application deadline for the 6th Taoyuan City Youth Advisory Council organized by the Taoyuan City Government Youth Affairs Bureau has been extended. Students are encouraged to apply.
2024-11-28 |
【課外組公告】轉知青年局【志工召募】Youth Bureau: Volunteer Recruitment
2024-11-28 |
【衛保組公告】衛生福利部疾病管制署自113年12月1日起,於全國8家旅遊醫學合約醫院提供M痘(Mpox)疫苗自費接種服務。Eight travel medicine contract hospitals nationwide offer self-paid Mpox (monkeypox) vaccination services.
2024-11-27 |
【衛保組公告】訊息轉知:青年志工活動「月來月愛你-布衛生棉工作坊」,歡迎踴躍報名參加。Youth Volunteer Activity: 「Month by Month, Loving You More – Cloth Sanitary Pad Workshop」 We warmly invite you to sign up and join us!
2024-11-27 |
【諮就組公告】轉知衛生福利部製作的「113年度臺灣女孩日系列宣導活動 『偏見眼鏡行』線上主題展覽及引導教材」Taiwan Girls' Day Series Advocacy Campaign
2024-11-26 |
【課外組公告】轉知桃園市政府客家事務局「鼓勵學校辦理客家社團及學術藝文活動補助」函文。Notification from the Taoyuan City Government Hakka Affairs Bureau regarding subsidies to encourage schools to establish Hakka clubs and organize academic, arts, and cultural activities.
2024-11-26 |
【生輔組公告】財團法人鑫淼教育基金會清寒學生獎助學金Xin Miao Education Foundation Scholarship and Grant for Underprivileged Students
2024-11-26 |