Gender Equality


Embracing Diversity and Respecting Gender Differences.

Making jokes about someone's gender traits or sexual orientation is not appropriate.

Regardless of gender, any words or actions that are unwelcome, related to sex or gender, and make others feel uncomfortable or uneasy, can potentially constitute a violation of sexual harassment laws.


Respecting Personal Boundaries, with only YES meaning YES.

Any physical contact should be built upon mutual respect and consent.

Touching another person’s body without their consent can be constitute sexual harassment.

When evaluating whether a sexual harassment complaint is vaild, the victim’s subjective experience is a siginificant factor, in addition to objective evidence.

Once established, a sexual harassment complaint could lead to consequences ranging from a fine of 10,000 to 100,000 units of currency, as well as reputational damage.


Sexual Harassment Complaint Resources at Our School

  1. Emergency Incident Handing: 03-4553698(Campus Security Hotline)
  2. Counseling Services: 03-4638800 ext. 2877, 2915(Student Affairs Counseling and Career Guidance Division)
  3. Complaint Channels:

【For student】

Contact Unit: Headquarter of OSA (SAC Building 3F, R8304)

Hotline: Office hours/03-4638-800 Ext. 2919

             Off-office hours/03-4553-698(Campus/Student safety center)

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

You also can drop it in the complaint box at the door of R8304, 3F, SAC Building.

【For faculty and Staff】

Contac Unit: Personnel Office (Building 6, 12F, R61202)

Hotline: Office hours/ 03-4638-800 Ext.2222, 03-4629-464(Personnel Office)

              Off-office hours/03-4553-698(Campus/Student safety center)

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You also can drop it in the complaint box next to ATM at 1F, Building 1.

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