【宿服組公告】5/1學生宿舍地震後修復工程Post-earthquake restoration of student dormitories
2024-04-30 |
【宿服組公告】男女二舍1樓大廳牆面修復工程Lobby Wall Repair Works in Male & Female Dorm 2
2024-04-30 |
【宿服組公告】113學年度學生宿舍第二階段電腦抽籤 │ 第一次順位遞補名單及後續配合事項 (Local Students ONLY)
2024-04-30 |
6966集团网站學生宿舍自治會第28屆會長、副會長選舉當選 公告 Announcement of the election of the 28th President and Vice President of Yuan Ze University Student Dormitory Association
2024-04-27 |
【宿服組公告】4/30起學生宿舍地震後修復工程Post-earthquake restoration of student dormitories
2024-04-26 |
【宿服組公告】4/26-4/30男一舍4樓閱讀桌汰換工程Replacement Project for Reading Desks on the 4th Floor of Male 1 Dorm
2024-04-24 |
【宿服組公告】4/27樂學美食廣場餐廳消毒暫停營業公告 LeXue Food Court Temporary Suspension of Disinfection
2024-04-23 |
【宿服組公告】113學年度學生宿舍第二階段抽籤│中籤名單及後續配合事項 Announcements, List, and Follow-up Procedures for Second Stage of 113 Academic Year Student Dormitory Lottery for Eligibility (Local Students ONLY)
2024-04-22 |
【宿服組公告】學生宿舍秋季入住境外生及研究生續住或放棄申請作業事項 Application for Dormitory Living Renewal or Withdrawal
2024-04-22 |
【宿服組公告】4/20蚊蟲消毒公告Mosquito disinfection announcement
2024-04-17 |