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Used only for reference In respect of the ( ) research program, Yuan Ze University (Party A) and ( ) Co., Ltd. (Party B) hereby enter into this Agreement under the following terms and conditions: Mutual assent Party B commissions Party A to implement the ( ) research (hereinafter referred to as the Research), and Party A agrees to conduct the Research on commission in keeping with the Essential Points of ( ) Cooperation and provisions of this Agreement. Research content The research content is described in the Appendix ( Program)(hereinafter referred to as the Program), which constitutes a part of this Agreement. Research period The implementation period of the Research is from ( ) to ( ) (mm/dd/yy). Research progress Party A shall conduct the Research in accordance with the provisions of the Program. Party B shall require Party A, as needed, to give an oral report and submit related data on the research progress, the content of which shall be sufficient to keep Party B informed of the research progress. The oral report shall be given at a place specified by Party B. Party B may dispatch personnel to Party A, as needed, to learn about the implementation status of the Research, while Party A shall provide all necessary assistance to such personnel. Research achievements I. Party A shall deliver research achievements within the period specified in the Program, or by the following deadlines else: (I) Party A shall deliver to Party B ( ) copies of the mid-term research achievement report; (II) Party A shall deliver to Party B ( ) copies of the final research achievement report. II. The content and form of research achievements shall be specified by Party B. Inspection and acceptance Party A shall instantly notify Party B of the completion of any foregoing report. Party B shall, upon receipt of the foregoing notice and report, perform acceptance inspection along with Party A. If Party B considers the research report unacceptable, it shall notify Party A in writing, and Party A shall correct or modify the research report within the period specified by Party B, and then deliver it to Party B for acceptance inspection. Research reports shall be accepted or rejected in accordance with the related provisions of the Program. Consultation on research achievements Upon Party B's request, Party A shall provide consultation and explanation services on research achievements at a place specified by Party B. The consulting and explanation period shall not be less than ( ) hours as actually needed by Party B, unless otherwise stipulated in the Program. Research fund The research fund includes a business tax (the same below) of (TWDs ), as itemized in the Program. Payment termsParty B shall pay the research fund to Party A in installments: I. Party B shall pay (TWDs ) within ( ) days subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement; II. Party B shall pay (TWDs ) within ( ) days after reviewing and approving the mid-term research achievement report delivered by Party A; II. Party B shall pay the remaining amount of (TWDs ) within ( ) days after reviewing and approving the final research achievement delivered by Party A; IV. When this Agreement comes into effect or Party A delivers the mid-term or final research achievement report, Party A shall deliver to Party B the uniformed receipts collected by itself or other receipts recognized by Party B, to facilitate the payment of the research fund. V. When Party B pays Party A different installments of the research fund, Party A shall declare the withholding tax (if available) in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Disbursement of the research fund Party A shall maintain a separate account of and disburse the research fund as indicated by the research fund budget items specified in the Program. Disbursement vouchers Party A shall keep the original vouchers for all disbursements related to the Research. Borrowing of equipment Party A may borrow equipment from Party B when necessary to carry out the Research. Party B shall agree to lend Party A the aforesaid equipment without affecting its normal operations. Party A shall pay Party B the maintenance costs incurred. Party A shall use the borrowed equipment only for the purpose of carrying out the work related to the Research. Party A shall keep the borrowed equipment properly with the duty of care of a good administrator, and shall restore the borrowed equipment (if damaged) to its original state or compensate Party B financially. Ownership of intellectual property The research achievements or possible intellectual property (e.g., patents, copyrights, and circuit layout rights) derived from Party As implementation of the Program shall be co-owned by both parties. Party A shall not apply to any institution for registration of intellectual property (e.g., patents) under Paragraph 1 of Article 13, unless Party B gives consent or waives the application. When Party B applies to any institution for registration of intellectual property under paragraph 1 of Article 13, Party A shall render all necessary assistance. If Party B applies for intellectual property (e.g., patents) with respect to the research achievements, inventors designated in the application documents or Party A's actual inventors shall be entitled to apply to Party B in writing for rewards pursuant to Party B's staff reward regulations in effect at the time of application. Without written consent of the other party, either party shall not provide or license to any third party the intellectual property under Paragraph 1 of Article 13. If either party provides, licenses, or assigns to a third party the intellectual property under Paragraph 1 of Article 13, the benefits (e.g., signing bonus, royalty, and derivative benefits) arising therefrom shall be shared equally between Parties A and B (i.e., 50% each for Parties A and B). To apply for registration of the intellectual property under Paragraph 1 of Article 13, Party B shall bear the application expenses and render appropriate assistance, and bear the patent renewal fee (if any) in the future. During the selling period of relevant products produced by Party B as a result of the implementation of the intellectual property under Paragraph 1 of Article 13, Party B agrees to withdraw ( )% of annual sales of such products as derivative benefits thereof and then allocate such derivative benefits to Party A based on the aforesaid proportion. Party B shall report by January 31 of each year the sales of the products produced by implementing such intellectual property in the previous year, and the weight thereof in each product, and then calculate the derivative benefits accordingly with the consent of Party A. If Party B waives the co-owned intellectual property under Paragraph 1 of Article 13, Party A shall not be bound by Paragraphs 1 to 7 of Article 13; namely, Party A may manage and implement such intellectual property at its sole discretion in accordance with its own relevant provisions without Party B's consent. To implement such intellectual property, Party B shall apply for Party As license, in which the license fee and related rights and obligations are separately agreed. Warranty Party A warrants that the research achievements are completely attained because of its independent R&D efforts, and are not plagiarized or imitated in any way. Liability for infringement In the event of any infringement of intellectual property arising from Party Bs use of intellectual property generated by the Program, Party B shall notify Party A as soon as possible and both parties shall endeavor to defend and indemnify themselves from the claims or lawsuits from any third party, in order to protect the related rights and interests. If the foregoing infringement of intellectual property is attributable to Party As intentional acts, Party A shall agree to reimburse the third partys damages, legal costs, and necessary expenses paid or borne by Party B, provided that Party As liability for damage shall not exceed the actual expenses paid by Party B under Article 13. If the foregoing infringement of intellectual property is not attributable to Party As intentional acts, Party B shall be liable, provided that Party A shall render full technical support (e.g., technical appraisal and consulting) to Party B. In the event of an infringement of intellectual property arising from the implementation of the Program, Party B shall immediately notify Party A of its claim of rights or lodging of lawsuits, and Party A shall assist Party B in taking property preservation actions or legal proceedings, to protect their common rights and interests. Confidentiality Without the prior written consent of each other, no information known, obtained, or possessed by the two parties for the purpose of executing this Agreement may be disclosed or delivered to any third party or be used for matters unrelated to this Agreement. Both parties shall require their respective personnel involved in the Research to abide by the provisions of this Agreement. If Party A or its personnel involved in the Research violate the provisions of this Agreement, Party A shall compensate Party B for any damage arising therefrom. If Party B waives the co-owned intellectual property under Paragraph 1 of Article 13, Party B shall nevertheless perform its confidentiality obligation. Publication of research achievements Party A may publish the research achievements with Party B's prior written consent. Party B shall not refuse the publication thereof without justifiable reasons. However, if the publication thereof involves business secrets, Party B may refuse the publication thereof while Party A shall not raise any objection thereto. Transfer of rights and obligations No rights or obligations of the two parties under this Agreement may be transferred to any third party without prior written consent of each other. Contact information Notices or requests in connection with this Agreement shall be served in writing on the following premises and persons (hereinafter referred to as the contact person), and shall be deemed to have been served on the persons concerned of the two parties if served on such contact persons. Party As contact person:Title: Tel: Fax: Address: Party Bs contact person: Title: Tel: Fax: Address: Effective date This Agreement, if legally signed by both parties, shall come into effect as of the start date of the research period specified by Article 3. The termination or dissolution of the Agreement shall not exempt Party A from its liability under Articles 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 18 herein. Termination of this Agreement If either party fails to perform this Agreement, the other party may notify it in writing to take corrective measures within ( ) days, unless otherwise agreed herein. If no corrective measures are taken within the specified period, the other party shall terminate this Agreement by written notice. If this Agreement is terminated by Party A because of   .48HNVj < P x z |      " , 2 4 8 : > D F H R T v x   ^ ʾʺh&EaJo( h&EaJ h&Eo(h&EhU;MB*CJo(phh&EB*CJo(phhB*CJo(phhU;Mh&EB*CJo(phhU;MCJ o(h&ECJ o(B Hz | F H T x ` b n ^`$ & F^`a$$^a$$ & Fa$$a$$a$$xa$$a$^ ` b l n    ( . 0 4 6 : H L n p hj<>@JLbdjlDHPZ`b(*jlnh&EaJo(h&E h&EaJ h&Eo(\  p j>@Lb*l $^`a$$ & Fa$$ & Fa$$^a$ $^`a$lnz 2"^H & F^`$ & F^`a$$^a$ $^a$gdIj$ & Fa$$^a$nxz  02"^H$&(*46~$dfhvxz~FHZ\bdnpzh&EaJo( h&EaJh&EaJo(h&E h&Eo( h&EaJW(*6~$ & F^`a$$ & F^`a$ & F^` & F^`$^a$$ & Fa$ ^` & F^`fhxH\dp| $ & F^`a$$^a$$ & Fa$$a$z| ~ 2 4 8 : < .!!J!L!!!!!!!!$""""""###(#*############$$.$0$ h&Eo(h&EaJo( h&E>* h&EaJh&EZ4 L!!!!"""##*#######0$2$>$$$a$$^a$$ & Fa$$^a$$ & Fl^l`a$0$2$<$>$$$$$$$$$$$%%% %J%L%N%P%X%Z%`%h%j%n%r%|%~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&&&&&&&$&&&*&,&0&2&4&&&&&&&&h&EB*aJphh&EB*aJo(ph h&E>*hHaJo(h&Eh&EaJo( h&EaJ h&Eo(J$$$$N%Z%j%~%%%%%%%%%% $8d^8a$ $d^a$$mdVD^ma$gdH$mdWD`ma$gdH$a$$^a$$ & Fa$ $l^l`a$$ & Fl^l`a$%&&&4&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&('*'$xa$$a$gd"$a$$^a$$^a$ $8d^8a$&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'('*''''''(Z(z(}(~((((((Z)o)w)z))))))Ųpp h`nh[!CJOJQJ^JaJh`nh[!OJQJ^J(h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JnHtHh`nh[!CJOJQJ^J%h`nh[!B*CJOJQJ^Jph+h`nh[!CJ OJPJQJ^JnHo(tHh`nh[!CJ OJQJ^Jh[!B*aJphh|B*aJo(ph,*''((()))*****+Y+i,"-#-$ & F^`a$gd"$ & Fa$ $^a$gd"$S^S`a$gd"$^a$ $S^Sa$gd" $ & Fa$gd"$a$$a$gd"$a$gd")))))Z*u*v*z***********++V+W+Y+Z+z+Z,h,i,z,!-"-#-$-:-;-Z-z---.Z.z.}....˴ܣܖܖ˴˅v˴h`nh[!OJQJ^JaJ h`nh[!CJOJQJ^JaJh`nh[!OJQJ^J h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^J,h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHtH h`nh[!CJOJQJ^JaJh`nh[!CJOJQJ^J(h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JnHtH.#-;--.}....?//011;1a2b2r2222 $ & Fa$gd" $ & Fa$gd"$^a$ $^a$gd"$^`a$gd"^`gd"$ & Fa$...?/Z/z///////Z0z00111 1$1;1Z1z11111Z2`2a2b2c2r2z22222233+3,3Z3z3304Z4z44ɴɣɖɴɖ+h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JnHo(tHh`nh[!OJQJ^J h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^J(h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JnHtHh`nh[!CJOJQJ^J h`nh[!CJOJQJ^JaJ,h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHtH12,330445666^7_7w77778O9!:":$ & F^`a$gd" $^a$gd"$^a$ $ & Fa$gd"$^a$ $^a$gd"$^`a$gd"4Z5z5555$6(6Z6z666666666Z7^7_7`7w7z777777777Z8z8888888O9Z9z999!:":#:G:Z:z::䏏 h`nh[!CJOJQJ^JaJ h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^Jh`nh[!OJQJ^J(h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JnHtH h`nh[!CJOJQJ^JaJh`nh[!CJOJQJ^Jh`nh[!CJOJQJ3":G:;;u<=e>?n@BDDDnEoEEF:IJJJ & F^`gd"$^a$gd"`gd" & F^`gd" $ & Fa$gd"::;Z;z;;;Z<u<z<<<Z=z==Z>e>z>W?Z?_?r?z?{????Z@n@z@@@ZAzAZBzBBZCzCVDZDzDDDDDE EZEnEoEpEzEEZFzFFطؗ h`nh[!CJOJQJ^JaJh`nh[!CJOJQJ^J#h`nh[!CJOJQJ^JaJo(h`nh[!OJQJ^JaJ h`nh[!CJOJQJ^JaJ,h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHtH8FFZGzGGGZHzH:IZIzIXJYJZJzJJJJJJJZKzKZLzLLLXMYMZMzMMM N)NZNzNNNNNNOҿҮ{{{lh`nh[!OJQJ^JaJ,h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHtHh`nh[!OJQJ^Jh`nh[!CJOJQJ^J h`nh[!CJOJQJ^JaJ$h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JaJ h`nh[!CJOJQJ^JaJ7h`nh[!0J<B*CJH*OJPJQJ^JaJph*JLXMYMMNNN}O~OOPPPPPPP Q $^a$gd" $ & Fa$gd"$a$gd"$ & Fa$$^a$$ & F^`a$gd"$ & F^`a$gd"O OZOzO}O~OOOOO,P-P;P?PZPzPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPQ Q Q QQQQQQQ(Qܷܪܪܪܜˆpܷܷܷ*h`nh[!>*OJPJQJ^JnHo(tH+h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JnHo(tHh`nh[!>*OJQJ^Jh`nh[!OJQJ^J'h`nh[!OJPJQJ^JnHo(tH h`nh[!CJOJQJ^JaJh`nh[!CJOJQJ^J(h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JnHtH, QQQQ)Q*Q;QQYRZRzRS2ݐސR $^a$gd"$^a$$ & Fl^l`a$gd"$ & F^`a$gd" $ & Fa$gd"$a$ $^a$gd"(Q)Q*Q+Q;QZQzQQGRHRYRZR[RlRpRzRZSaSzSSSSSSSSSSSz|ь܌|ƍՍ܍˺˥ژ˖˥˘,h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHtHUh`nh[!OJQJ^J(h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JnHtH h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^Jh`nh[!CJOJQJ^J h`nh[!CJOJQJ^JaJ'h`nh[!OJPJQJ^JnHo(tH2Party B's breach of this Agreement, Party A shall confiscate the research fund received from Party B, but shall not claim damages separately. Within ( ) days after this Agreement is terminated by Party B because of Party A's breach as set forth in Paragraph 1 of Article 21, Party A shall refund Party B the undisbursed balance of the research fund received from Party B on an interest-free basis. The remaining balance (if any) of the research fund payable after offset shall be paid by Party B to Party A on an interest-free basis. This Agreement shall be terminated with the mutual consent of both parties if either party deems that the continuation of the Research cannot lead to the expected result or is no longer necessary. In this case, Party A shall refund Party B the undisbursed balance of the research fund received from Party B on an interest-free basis within ( ) days after the termination of this Agreement, while Party B shall not require Party A to refund the disbursed research fund. No party shall claim any compensation from the other party. Upon termination or dissolution of this Agreement, Party A shall immediately deliver to Party B all documents, achievements, and other materials related to the Research. Change in the ProgramBoth parties may change the content of this Program as deemed necessary. However, the schedule and fund of the Research shall be reasonably adjusted as agreed upon by both parties. If no consensus is reached between the parties, either party may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other party without assuming any liability for damages. In this case, Party B shall not require Party A to refund the disbursed research fund, while upon termination of this Agreement, Party A shall refund Party B the undisbursed balance of the research fund received from Party B on an interest-free basis. Modification of this Agreement No additions, deletions, or modification of this Agreement may be valid without the written consent of both parties. Force majeure As a result of failing to perform this Agreement because of force majeure (e.g., floods, fires, windstorms, earthquakes, or other matters not attributable to either party), neither party shall be liable for any payment or delay. Partial invalidity If some clauses of this Agreement are deemed invalid by law, the rest of the clauses thereof shall remain in force. Consensual jurisdiction Both parties agree that any dispute arising from the implementation of this Agreement shall be litigated before the ( ) District Court as the court of first instance. Force of the appendix The Appendix shall be deemed to be a part of this Agreement. However, the text of this Agreement shall prevail in case of a conflict between the Appendix and this Agreement. No matters mutually agreed upon by both parties before the effective date of this Agreement but not set forth in this Agreement or the Appendix may be binding upon the two parties. Copies of this Agreement The original of this Agreement is made in ( ) copies, and the duplicate thereof is made in ( ) copies. Parties A and B shall each keep ( ) copies of the original thereof, Party A shall keep ( ) copies of the duplicate and Party B shall keep ( ) copies of the duplicate. Contracting parties: Party A: Yuan Ze University Responsible person: President Program leader:Title: Address: No. 135 of Yuan Dong Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City (320)Unified number: 00966880Party B: Authorized representative: Name: Title:Address:Unified number:00Date (mm/dd/yy): __________________________________________Appendix: Program PAGE qQ%% ,{%%܍DH||12|ݐސߐ||QRSTt|ēȓ ,7|=Dlmn|123ﱱﱱﱱﱱﱱh`nh[!OJQJ^Jh`nh[!CJOJQJ^J/h`nh[!0J<B*H*OJPJQJ^Jph,h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHtH h`nh[!CJOJQJ^JaJ@RStlm12J˗$a$gd" $l^l`a$$ & Fl^l`a$gd"$a$ $^a$gd" $ & Fa$gd"$^a$3<@GHJ|)0|˗>A| 2<=LMTU^|™ݙ'h`nh[!OJPJQJ^JnHo(tH+h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JnHo(tHh`nh[!OJQJ^J h`nh[!CJOJQJ^JaJ(h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JnHtHh`nh[!CJOJQJ^J2=MU™ޙ 4$a$gd"$a$ $^a$gd"$^a$$8d^8a$gd" $d^a$$dWD`a$gd"ݙޙ 4šĚƚȚʚ̚ΚКҚǰ۰wwwjj^Zh|h|B*aJo(phh`nh[!OJQJ^J%h`nh[!B*CJOJQJ^Jph)h`nh[!B*CJOJQJ^JaJph h`nh[!CJOJQJ^JaJ,h`nh[!CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHtH'h`nh[!OJPJQJ^JnHo(tHh`nh[!CJOJQJ^J*h`nh[!>*OJPJQJ^JnHo(tH#šĚƚȚʚ̚ΚКҚؚ֚ܚޚ$a$&`#$$a$gd|$a$ҚԚؚ֚ښܚޚh| h!o( h&Eo(h&E h&E0Jjh&E0JUh"jh"U$a$gd|$a$gdhh$a$gd!:&P 1h/R :pk. 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