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(Party B)Parties A and B agree that the industry-academia cooperation program initiated by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) will be implemented by Party A at the expense of the NSTC and Party B jointly. Both parties agree to abide by the following terms and conditions in good faith: Article 1 Content of the Program In accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the two parties shall implement the (((((((((((( (No.: NSTC(((-((((-(-(((-((() (hereinafter referred to as the Program), while the program content and the NSTCs subsidy funds shall be in conformity with the cooperation program (Appendix 1) reviewed and approved by the NSTC and the approved list (Appendix 2). Article 2 Term of the program The whole Program will be implemented for a period of ( years, with the first one-year implementation stage from ( ) to ( ), and the second one-year implementation stage from ( ) to ( ). This Agreement is applicable to the ( )-th one-year implementation stage (note: please delete this article if the second one-year implementation stage is not available).Article 3 Funding of the program I. Among the total implementation fund for the Program (TWDs ), the NSTC will contribute (TWDs ) (accounting for ), and Party B will contribute (TWDs ) (accounting for; excluding the advance technology transfer fee). II. Party B shall pay an advance technology transfer fee of (TWDs ) (this technology license fee is not included in the implementation fund for the Program; rights and obligations enjoyed by the two parties and NSTC shall be in conformity with the Technology Transfer and License Agreement signed separately among the three parties), which is non-refundable upon the completion of the Program regardless of whether Party B has acquired technologies transferred by Party A. III. Within ten days after the effective date of this Agreement, Party B shall pay Party A the advance technology transfer fee and its contribution in one lumpsum. The use of the contributed fund (specified in Appendix 2) shall be in conformity with Party As relevant provisions, unless otherwise stipulated herein. Article 4 Dispatched personnel Party B shall dispatch researchers to Party As premises to participate in a research program under the supervision of Party As program leader, whereas the content of the research shall be mutually agreed by Parties A and B. Party B may change the dispatched researchers with the consent of Party As program leader. The expenses (including salaries, accommodation fees, catering expenses, and insurance premiums) incurred by the dispatched researchers shall be borne by Party B. Article 5 Fund changesWith the written consent of Party B, Party A may change the use of Party Bs contribution as needed, be reimbursed against vouchers or settle other affairs during the implementation of the Program, provided that Party A shall present comparison tables of changed items with reasons, and even have such comparison tables reviewed and approved by the NSTC (if necessary). Article 6 Implementation progress If Party B wants to know about the implementation status of this Program, Party A shall render appropriate assistance, explain in detail, and provide reference information. Article 7 Program report Within three months after the completion of the Program, Party A and the program leader shall handle the reimbursement of expenses, and submit a general research report to the NSTC and Party B. If the industry-academia cooperation program is implemented for more than two years, they shall, three months prior to the end of the current one-years implementation stage, submit an application for the next one-years cooperation program to the NSTC, accompanied by both the brief and detailed implementation reports (electronic version) for the current one-year implementation stage. Article 8 Purchase of research equipment Unless otherwise agreed, all non-expendable equipment (e.g., books and instruments) purchased under this Agreement shall belong to Party A. However, Party B may borrow such equipment from Party A as needed, provided that the use thereof shall comply with the related provisions of Party A. Article 9 Maintenance and safety Party A and the program leader shall maintain the sanitariness and security of the laboratory during the implementation of the Program, and Party A shall be liable for any loss of experimental equipment. Party B shall be liable for any damage to life, health, and property arising from the implementation of the Program by Party Bs dispatched researchers and assistants. However, Party A shall be liable for the same arising from Party As environment or the program leaders negligence. Article 10 Confidentiality I. No information or data related to the Program known to or possessed by either party (including its users or researchers) during the implementation of the Program, application for patents of the Program achievements, or licensing of the Program achievements may be disclosed, divulged, or delivered to any third party without the consent of the other party. A breach by users or planners of either party shall be deemed a breach of this obligation by such party. II. To protect Party Bs rights, Party As program leader shall keep confidential Party Bs business secrets, technology, and data utilized for the purpose of implementing the Program. Article 11 Ownership of R&D achievements I. The R&D achievements under the Program are jointly owned by both parties, and the rights and interests from them shall be shared between both parties in proportion to the contributed fund specified in the NSTCs approved list. The expenses arising from the application of intellectual property (e.g., patents and copyrights) shall be shared by both parties in proportion to their ownership of R&D achievements. The custody and implementation of intellectual property shall be handled in accordance with Party As relevant regulations. II. Possible intellectual property rights (e.g., patents and copyrights) of the R&D achievements under the Program shall be applied for in the name of Party A, but not Party B. Party As program leader and Party Bs dispatched personnel shall completely keep confidential the contents of the R&D achievements that are not made public. Party As program leader may publish the R&D achievements at one months notice in writing to Party B. III. Without the prior written consent of the NSTC, Party A, Party As program leader, or Party B, either party shall not cite the title, emblem or any other symbol of the NSTC or the other party while using the foregoing R&D achievements for commercial purposes (including but not limited to, public marketing, promotion or advertisement of products, goods or services), nor indicate any relevancy with the NSTC, Party A, Party As program leader, or Party B in any other way. IV. Before patent applications for R&D achievements are granted, Party A and Party As program leader shall require Party B to expressly indicate patent pending on the licensed products (or their packaging containers) made by using such R&D achievements; after patent applications for R&D achievements are granted, they shall require Party B to expressly indicate the patent numbers thereof on the foregoing licensed products (or their packaging containers). Article 12 Transfer of rights and obligations No rights or obligations of the two parties may be transferred to any third party. Article 13 Liability for infringementI. In the event of any infringement of intellectual property arising from Party Bs use of intellectual property generated by the Program, Party B shall notify Party A as soon as possible and then both parties shall endeavor to defend and indemnify themselves from the claims or lawsuits from any third party, to protect the related rights and interests. II. If the foregoing infringement of intellectual property is attributable to Party As intentional acts, Party A shall agree to reimburse the third partys damages, legal costs, and necessary expenses paid or borne by Party B, provided that Party As liability for damage is not more than 50% of total Program fund (excluding the incurred management expenses and staffing expenses). If the foregoing infringement of intellectual property is not attributable to Party As intentional acts, Party B shall be liable, provided that Party A shall render full technical support (e.g., technical appraisal and consulting) to Party B. III. In the event of an infringement of intellectual property arising from the implementation of the Program, Party B shall immediately notify Party A of its claim of rights or lodging of lawsuits, and then Party A shall assist Party B in taking property preservation actions or legal proceedings, to protect their common rights and interests. Article 14 Termination of this Agreement I. If Party B fails to perform this Agreement or make improvements within the period specified by Party A after Party Bs breach of the foregoing clauses herein, Party A shall terminate this Agreement, while Party B shall be liable for the damages arising therefrom, and not claim any rights to the R&D achievements under the Program. II. Party B, if withdrawing from the Program halfway, shall not claim any rights to the R&D achievements under the Program, while the fund contributed by Party B shall, as a part of the damages, not be refunded. III. If the Program is terminated because of force majeure or cessation of funding by the NSTC, the remaining balance of the total Program fund shall be refunded to the NSTC and Party B in proportion to their respective contribution. The incomplete R&D achievements shall belong to Party A, while Party B may apply to Party A for technology transfer. Article 15 Licensing request I.  *02jxz|~ȺȐvhh\R\EvhhhhLhOHCJ0PJaJ0hLhOHPJo(hLhOHCJ4PJo(hLh'CJ0PJaJ0o(hLhOHCJ0PJaJ0o(hLhOHOJQJo(hLhOHCJ$OJQJo(hLh'OJQJaJ0o(hLhOHOJQJaJ0o(hLhgd3OJQJaJ0o(hLh'OJQJo(hLhOJQJo(hLhOHOJQJ(jhLh!,OJQJUmHnHu 2z|~$xxG$XD2YD2]a$gd:=R$xxG$XD2YD2]a$gdD$xxG$XD2YD2a$gdD$xxXD2YD2a$gdD$xxXD2YD2a$gdD xxXD2YD2gdD   " $ > r | ʸ|kZNBhLhgd3CJPJo(hLhX-CJPJo( hLhB*CJPJo(ph hLhPB*CJPJo(phhLhOHCJ0PJo(hLhOHCJPJo(#hLh'CJ0OJPJQJaJ0o(#hLhOHCJ0OJPJQJaJ0o(#hLhanCJ0OJPJQJaJ0o(hLhgd3CJ0PJaJ0o(hLh'CJ(PJhLh'CJ$PJaJ$o(hLh:=RCJ$PJaJ$o( " $ > r < N  pndxXD2YD2^n`gdD1dxXD2YD2^1`gdD$xxG$XD2YD2a$gdD$nxxG$XD2YD2^na$gdu$xxG$XD2YD2a$gdu$xxG$WD@XD2YD2`a$gdD$xxG$XD2YD2]a$gdu < N   . < > B R X ^ ` b d f l r t v x ~ ǿǭǭǥǓo]]]]#hLha1CJOJPJQJaJo(#hLh'CJOJPJQJaJo(#hLhJdCJOJPJQJaJo(#hLhOHCJOJPJQJaJo(hLh1oeo(hLho(hLh/aJo(hLho(hLhOHo(hLh!CJPJo(hLhOHCJPJo(hLh7CJPJo(hLhCJPJo($ . :L$.ppp$nxYD2^na$gdD $xYD2a$gdD$ & FxYD2a$gdD$ & F>xYD2^`a$gdTZ#5dxXD2YD2^5`gdD$8dxxVDXD2YD2^8`a$gdDdxXD2YD2^`gdD  8:L$f~vnf^QhLhOHB*o(phhLh1oeo(hLhZo(hLhoo(hLh|o(hLhm1o(hLhpF o(hLhCZ>o( hLhTZ#hLho(hLhOHo(,hLhM!jB*CJOJPJQJaJo(ph,hLhpFB*CJOJPJQJaJo(ph#hLhpFCJOJPJQJaJo(#hLh'CJOJPJQJaJo(f.@z(*<$Tշy_RRhLhOHB*o(ph3hLh'B*CJKHOJPJQJaJho(ph'hLh!CJKHOJPJQJaJh*hLh'CJKHOJPJQJaJho('hLh'CJKHOJPJQJaJh#hLh'CJOJPJQJaJo(hLhCJPJo(#hLhOHCJOJPJQJaJo(hLho(hLhOHo(hLh=do( .@*<,D <$ & F>xYD2^`a$gd $ & FxYD2a$gd}$ & FxYD2^`a$gdD$nxYD2^na$gdD$8dxxVDXD2YD2^8`a$gdD $xYD2a$gdD*,BDFNZ^bhn BV<DJfrv(.0H  Ȼ||tltltlttlltbthLh)\o(hLh/Yo(hLh)o(hLhe3B*o(phhLhe3o(hLh o(hLh}B*o(phhLho(hLhMuOB*o(phhLh B*o(phhLh}DB*o(phhLh B*o(phhLhOHB*o(phhLh'o(hLhOHo(&<H $ZnJ.sss$ & FZxYD2^`a$gdD$dxVDDWD8XD2YD2^`a$gdD$dxVDeWD8XD2YD2^`a$gdD$xYD2^a$gdD $xYD2a$gdD$ & F>xYD2^`a$gdD "$ZnrHRVjŶŶzjM9hLh5&B*CJKHOJPJQJ^JaJmHphsHhLhgCJPJQJaJo(hLhgCJPJQJaJhLh+XWCJPJQJaJo(hLhNCJPJQJaJhLh,MCJPJaJo(hLh,MCJPJQJaJhLhCJPJQJaJo(hLhUR'o(hLhB*o(phhLhOHB*o(phhLhOHo(&HJNH.<BlrH8ȹ~~~~~v~v~v~~~~i~~~~~~~a~~~hLh}Co(hLhOHB*o(phhLho(hLhOHo(hLh^o(hLh,MCJPJaJhLhxCJPJQJaJo(hLh-CJPJaJo(hLh,MCJPJQJaJ1hLh5&B*CJKHOJ^JaJmHphsH<hLh5&B*CJKHOJPJQJ^JaJmHo(phsH&l4 H h ||p $xYD2a$gdD & F`xxXD2YD2^``gdD$}xYD2^`}a$gdD$xYD2^a$gdD$1xYD2^1`a$gdD$ & FZxYD2^`a$gdD$GxYD2^G`a$gdD $(<>@FHl4 8 : H h l n | H!h!j!v!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""."4"X"`"h"n"p"~""μܩ󡙡hLho( hLhOHhLho(hLh^o(hLhOHo($hLhOHB*CJPJaJo(ph#hLhCJOJPJQJaJo(hLhOHCJPJaJo(,hLhB*CJOJPJQJaJo(phhLhOHCJPJo(0h | j!v!!!!!!!"."`"h"$xxWDYD2`xa$gdD$ xYD2^ a$gdD$xVDOYD2^a$gdD$xYD2^`a$gdD$xYD2^a$gdD$zxYD2^`za$gdDh"~"""F#P#R#t####w^ +xx-DM XD2YD2gdHxx-DM WD,XD2YD2`Hgd +Hxx-DM XD2YD2`Hgd $xYD2a$gd$xVDYD2^a$gd $xYD2a$gdD$xVDYD2^a$gdu$HxYD2^H`a$gdD """"D#F#H#P#R#t##########$$"$Z$\$^$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%"%Źŭŭťwwdd$hW5$h{;OJPJQJ^JnHtHhW5$h{;OJPJQJ^J0jhW5$h{;OJPJQJU^JmHnHu h{;CJh{;CJPJhLhCJPJo(hLhHCJPJo(hLhCJPJo(hLho( hLhA! 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II. Party B shall submit the foregoing request in writing to Party A at latest within one month upon receipt of the general research report, and sign the technology transfer agreement within two months upon submission of the foregoing request. Otherwise, Party B shall be deemed to waive the priority in licensing. Party B shall not raise any objection if Party A gives license to other enterprises. Article 16 Legal force of appendices The foregoing cooperation program and approved list constitute a part of this Agreement. However, the Agreement shall prevail in case of any conflict between the Agreement and appendices. Article 17 Liability for breach I. Either party, shall be liable for the damages arising from having breached Article 10, 11, or 12. II. In the event of the failure of Party B to perform the obligations under this Agreement as sufficiently proved by facts (e.g., reorganization, petition for or requested reorganization; dissolution, resolved, ordered, or adjudicated dissolution; bankruptcy or adjudicated bankruptcy; seizure of major assets; and insolvency), Party A shall terminate this Agreement by written notice. Article 18 Effective date This Agreement shall enter into effect upon signature by both parties. Article 19 Consensual jurisdiction In the event of lawsuits arising from the implementation of this Agreement, both parties agree that the Taoyuan District Court (Taiwan) shall be the court of first instance and the lawsuits shall be governed by the relevant laws of Taiwan. Article 20 Amendment of the Agreement This Agreement may be amended or supplemented with the mutual consent of both parties. Notices or requests related to this Agreement shall be served in writing on the contact persons of both parties, and the service thereof on the contact persons shall be deemed successful service on the people concerned of the two parties. Party As contact person: Name: %%% Title: %%%%%Tel: Fax: Address: Party B s contact person: Name: %%% Title: %%%%%Tel: Fax: Address: Article 21 Partial invalidity The invalidation of any or some clauses herein by court judgments shall not affect the validity of the other clauses herein, except for the remaining clauses herein that are no longer necessitated. Article 22 Copies of the Agreement The original Agreement is made in three copies, with Party A, Party As program leader and Party B holding one copy, to be obeyed jointly. Contracting parties: Party A: Yuan Ze University (stamped)Responsible person: President Address: No. 135 of Yuan Dong Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City (32003)Party As program leader: (signed or sealed)Address: No. 135 of Yuan Dong pzݖamX$mdhxVDYD2^ma$gdI$dhxYD2^`a$gdI$zdhxYD2^`za$gdI$ndhxYD2^na$gdI$dhxYD2a$gdI$ndhxxXD2YD2^na$gdIndhxxXD2YD2^ngdI$}dhxYD2^`}a$gdI Xeyzܖݖ>KMR(MQcɸyfWyhW5$h{;OJPJQJ^J$hW5$h{;CJKHOJPJQJ^J,hW5$h{;CJKHOJPJQJ^JmH @sH @$hW5$h{;CJKHOJPJQJ^J(hW5$h{;CJOJPJQJ^JmH @sH @ hW5$h{;CJOJPJQJ^J,hW5$h{;CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHtH hW5$h{;CJOJPJQJ^JhW5$h{;CJOJQJ^J"cg`ahi{|.0:DFXZhjʚԚ֚&(Z[ֶss`$hW5$h{;CJKHOJPJQJ^J'hW5$h{;OJPJQJ^JnHo(tHhW5$h{;CJOJQJ^JhW5$h{;OJPJQJ^J hW5$h{;CJOJPJQJ^J hW5$h{;CJOJPJQJ^JhW5$h{;OJPJQJ^J$hW5$h{;CJKHOJPJQJ^J,hW5$h{;CJKHOJPJQJ^JmH @sH @%a|0FZ֚([ "#$dhxYD2a$gdI$mdhxVDYD2^ma$gdI$HdhxYD2^H`a$gdI$ dhxYD2^ a$gdI$dhxYD2^a$gdI[tu~ĜŜ !"#HIghXZ~Ȭʬ$&8:DFHJLnprt˼˼ޕ˼˼ˉh=hCJPJo(* jhW5$h{;CJOJPJQJ^JaJUhW5$h{;OJPJQJ^JhW5$h{;CJOJQJ^J$hW5$h{;CJOJPJQJ^JaJ hW5$h{;CJOJPJQJ^J hW5$h{;CJOJPJQJ^J6#IhZʬ vdhxx-D:DM WD,XD2YD2`vgdIvdhxx-DM WD,XD2YD2`vgdI +dhxx-DM XD2YD2gdI  +Hdhxx-DM XD2YD2`HgdI Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City (32003)Tel: (03) 4638800 to (((Party B: Co., Ltd. (stamped)Authorized representative: (signed or sealed)Address: Tel: Date (mm/dd/yy): ,{ PAGE 4,{ PAGE N111(3) x|vbgUϑYTg[pN1ʬ&:FHJLprtvz|}qoo $xYD2a$gd$xx-DM XD2YD2a$gd$dhxYD2a$gdI$dhxx-DM XD2YD2a$gdIvdhxx-DM WD,XD2YD2`vgdI" +vdhxx-DM WD,XD2YD2`vgdI tvxz|~­ĭƭȭʭ̭έЭڭܭͼ׷׬vfhH[h!,CJaJmHo(sHhLCJaJmHo(sH hL0JCJPJmHnHo(uhFPr0JCJPJjhFPr0JCJPJUhFPr0JCJPJo( hFPro(hFPr0JmHnHu hFPr0JjhFPr0JUhFPr0Jo(hFPrhFPrCJPJo(hIjhIUhhOHo(&|̭έЭCDEFgdI$a$gdIgd!,&`#$h]h$h]ha$ܭ"&2BCDEFGssss\XXTLhhOHo(hIh{;-h= Xh{;B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph2h{;B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHo(phtH5h= Xh{;B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHphtHU,h{;h{;CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHtHh!,(hH[h!,B*CJPJQJaJo(ph"h!,B*CJPJQJaJo(ph%hH[h!,B*CJPJQJaJph11 (3) Reviewed and passed by the R&D Achievement Review CommitteeFG $xYD2a$gd? 00#0&P 1h:p'. 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