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Technology Transfer and License AgreementYuan Ze University (Party A)Contracting parties: %%%/Title (Party B)%%%%%%%%Co., Ltd. (Party C)Whereas a special research program subsidized by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) and implemented by Parties A and B has generated a practical technology, and thus Parties A and B license Party C to implement the technology in the licensed territory to the benefit of Taiwans industry, Parties A, B, and C enter into this Agreement in good faith under the following terms and conditions: Article 1 Technology sourceThis technology is an achievement of the NSTC-subsidized special research program titled "___________(program title or number)," which is implemented by Parties A and B, and the intellectual property of this technology is owned by Party A. Article 2 Scope of technology transfer I. Technology title: %%%%%%%%%% (hereinafter referred to as the  licensed technology ) II. Technology content: %%%%%%%%%% (as detailed in Appendix 1). III. Scope of license: Manufacture and sell the licensed products in the licensed territory using the licensed technology. IV. Licensed territory: Taiwan (Note: The licensed products shall be manufactured or used within the territory of Taiwan as a matter of priority, but may be manufactured or implemented outside the territory of Taiwan in accordance with the related regulations with the approval of the program implementation agency and consent of the NSTC). V. Licensed product: Products manufactured using the licensed technology in Appendix 1. VI. Mode of license: This Agreement pertains to non-exclusive license (or exclusive license) (Note: The licensed technology shall be under non-exclusive license as stipulated by the NSTC, but may be under exclusive license in accordance with the related regulations with the approval of the program implementation agency and consent of the NSTC). VII. Licensee: Party C. Article 3 Technology transfer and implementation I. Data delivery: Party B shall deliver the data of the licensed technology to Party C within one month after the effective date of this Agreement, and inform Party C of any known use of others' intellectual property. II. Time to market: Party C shall, within %% years after the effective date of this Agreement, launch the licensed products manufactured by using the licensed technology in a manner specified by Party C's Development Program (as detailed in Appendix 2). Party C shall guarantee to have sufficient financial capacity and operating ability to commercialize the licensed technology and sell the licensed products. With the consent of Parties A and B, the launch of licensed products may be deferred and this Agreement may be terminated under special circumstances with three months of written notice to Party A; without prior consent of Parties A and B, either Party A or Party B shall terminate this Agreement instantly. Article 4 Confidentiality The three parties shall keep the undisclosed data related to the licensed technology confidential. Party C shall keep the data of the licensed technology and other related data known or possessed by Party C as a result of the implementation of this Agreement with the duty of care of a good administrator, and shall not arbitrarily disclose or deliver the aforementioned data to any third party or make such data known to any third party. If outsourcees, distributors, or agents breach the aforementioned confidentiality obligation because of the employees of Party C or its affiliates or matters attributable to Party C, Party C shall be deemed to breach this Agreement. Even if this Agreement is terminated or dissolved, Party C shall perform the confidentiality obligation under Article 4, and compensate Party A for any losses arising from the breach of Article 4. Article 5 Royalty, derivative benefit, and payment terms I. Royalty: The technology license incurs a total royalty of (TWDs ) (excluding any tax or fee), which shall be paid up by Party C within 30 days after the effective date of this Agreement. This loyalty shall neither be refunded upon termination or dissolution of this Agreement, nor be used to offset the derivative benefit. II. Derivative benefit: During the sale of licensed products manufactured by Party C using the licensed technology, Party C shall withdraw ( )% of annual sales of such products according to the weight of the licensed technology in each licensed product, for use as a derivative benefit of the licensed technology. Party C shall report by the end of every February the annual sales of the licensed products manufactured by using the licensed technology in the previous year, and the weight of the licensed technology in each licensed product, and pay the derivative benefit. The weight of the licensed technology in each licensed product shall be determined with prior consent of Parties A and B. II. Derivative benefit: Party C is expected to generate a derivative benefit of (TWDs ) by using the licensed technology during the license period, and Party C shall pay up the derivative benefit in one lumpsum within 15 days after the effective date of the Agreement. This derivative benefit shall not be refunded upon termination or dissolution of this Agreement. III. Benefit distribution: The royalty and derivative benefit paid by Party C shall be distributed proportionally between the NSTC (20%) and Party A in the proportion (80%), and then be allocated to Party B at a ratio specified by Party A. IV. Payment terms: After this Agreement comes into effect, Party C shall pay the royalty or derivative benefit to Party A in cash or by sight bills within the period specified in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 5 (postponed in case of regular holidays) and at a distribution ratio specified in Paragraph 3 of Article 13. Party C shall declare and pay the withholding tax (if any) on the royalty and derivative benefit to the taxation authorities in accordance with the provisions of Taiwan's tax law in force. Party C shall pay the aforesaid sums to Party A, and then Party A shall forward them to the NSTC and Party B. V. The NSTC or Party A shall, as needed, assign business-related personnel and accounting personnel, or commission certified accountants to Party C's main business premise to check the sales of licensed products manufactured by Party C using the licensed technology, while Party C shall render appropriate assistance without refusal or obstruction under any pretext. Party C shall retain the relevant accounting books for three years after the termination of this Agreement, for the purpose of a check by the NSTC or Party A as needed. No acceptance by the NSTC, or Party A or B of derivative benefits reported by Party C shall affect the right of the NSTC or Party A to subsequently confirm the accuracy of the reported derivative benefits. If Party C is found by the NSTC or Party A to have underreported its payable derivative benefit, Party C shall not only pay the balance and its interest, but also bear the expense of account check incurred to the NSTC and Party A if such balance is more than 3% of the payable derivative benefit. Article 6 Ownership of intellectual property and liability for infringement I. The technological data and know-how of the licensed technology are owned by Party A. Parties A and B may enter into a technology transfer and license agreement with a third party with the mutual consent of both parties, provided that Party C is notified in writing. The loyalty and derivative benefit under the technology transfer and license agreement shall be stipulated separately. I. The technological data and know-how of the licensed technology are owned by Party A. Party A or B shall not enter into a technology transfer and license agreement with a third party during the term of this Agreement with prior consent of Party C. II. Party C shall not assign or sublicense its rights or obligations under this Agreement to any third party without the written consent of Parties A and B. In the event of any breach by Party C, Parties A and B shall terminate this Agreement instantly without any notice and may lodge a claim to Party C for damages. III. If Party C intends to form a spin-off company to handle the technology transfer or license in the future, Party C shall notify Party A in writing 30 days in advance, and technological data may be transferred to the spin-off company for use after Parties A and B give their consent and this matter is handled in an appropriate manner (e.g., sublicensing or signing a separate agreement). IV. In the event of any infringement of intellectual property arising from Party Cs sale of products produced by using the licensed technologies under this Agreement, Party C shall notify Party A as soon as possible and both parties shall endeavor to defend and indemnify themselves from the claims or lawsuits from any third party, to protect the related rights and interests. V. Party C shall immediately notify Party A of any infringement of patent, and actively assist Parties A and B in taking preservation measures or legal proceedings to protect the common rights and interests of the three parties. VI. The intellectual property of the derivative or additional products self-developed or added by Party C for the completion of licensed products shall be owned by Party C, while Party C shall notify Parties A and B and provide such products to Party B for use, provided that Party B shall not disclose or deliver this part of technological data to any third party or make it known to any third party. Party A or B shall have no concern with any infringement of this part of technological data on any third partys intellectual property. VII. The licensed products manufactured by Party C using the licensed technology shall be appropriately labeled in accordance with the relevant laws of the licensed territory. The liability of such products shall have no concern with Party A or B, and Party C shall guarantee that Party A or B will not be damaged by the liability of such products. Article 7 Exclusion of warranty I. The licensed technology is delivered to Party C in a state as it is completed by Party B at the time of signing this Agreement, and Parties A and B shall guarantee to assist Party C in using the licensed technology on its own, but do not guarantee the patentability, fitness for use, or possibility of commercialization of the licensed technology. II. The non-disclosed part of all technology data obtained by Party C under this Agreement shall be kept confidential and protected as business secrets. Party C shall be solely liable for any infringement after the implementation of the licensed technology, provided that Parties A and B shall endeavor to assist Party C in handling such infringement. Article 8 Update of technology data Party B shall notify Parties C and A of any update of the licensed technology during the term of this Agreement, and Party C shall enjoy priority in the license of the updated technology in a manner specified under Article 12 herein. Article 9 Breach of this Agreement I. If Party C fails to pay a loyalty or derivative benefit within the specified period under Article 5 herein, Parties A and B shall terminate this Agreement, and depending on the severity of breach, may be compensated with a fine of 1% of the total overdue loyalty or derivative benefit for each delay month (less than one delay month is counted as one delay month). II. If Party C breaches Article 4, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 6, and Paragraph 2 of Article 11 herein, Party C shall be fined the punitive damages of TWDs 5,000,000. If Party C breaches other clauses herein, Parties A and B shall terminate this Agreement instantly without any notice and may lodge a claim to Party C for damages. Article 10 Term of this Agreement This Agreement shall remain valid for ( ) years (from to ) (mm/dd/yy) as from the date of signature by Parties A, B, and C. Within three months prior to the expiry of this Agreement, Party C may seek the written consent of Parties A and B to extend the term of license by two years under separately agreed terms. Article 11 Termination of this Agreement I. Party C shall return the technological data obtained by Party B and pay up derivative benefits within one month after the termination of this Agreement. II. After the termination of this Agreement, Party C shall not manufacture or sell, commission others to manufacture or sell, or use the licensed products made by the licensed technology. However, the aforesaid licensed products m  $,.0BDFH|naSEhsgh X@OJPJo(hsghd@OJPJo(hsghdCJOJPJhsghdCJHOJPJo(hNa2hd5CJ4OJPJaJ47h&Mh&M5@<CJ4OJPJaJ4fHo(q &1h&M5@<CJ4OJPJaJ4fHo(q &&hNa2hd5@<CJ4OJPJaJ4o(hsghdOJPJ%jhqOJPJUmHnHo(uhsghdOJPJo(  0DFHJLNPRTVX $`a$gd$a$$h`a$gd_Y$a$HJLNPRTVXZr|~Ϳ~p~bRDhsghd5CJ8OJPJhsghd5CJ8OJPJo(hUhe;OJPJQJo(hsghqor@OJPJo(,h&Mh&MOJPJQJfHo(q &hsghW|@OJPJo(hsghE@OJPJo(hsgh@OJPJo(hsghd@OJPJo(hsgh X@OJPJo(hsghNa2@OJPJo(hNa2@OJPJo(h X@OJPJo(XZr 8  "  ^ $a$gd X$a$ $^`a$$a$$a$$@`a$ $@xa$$x`a$ $`a$ $VD;^`a$gdNa2 $`a$gd  $ & 8 H n   " & , 2 P 䘊sg^ggsgSJSh@!tOJPJo(hEbhOJPJh@!tOJPJo(hsghOJPJo(hsghdOJPJo(hsghdOJPJhUh&MOJPJQJo(,h&Mh&MOJPJQJfHo(q &,h&Mh&MCJOJPJfHo(q &hsghd5CJOJPJo(hsghdCJOJPJo(hsghdCJOJPJhsghCJOJPJo(P R Z \ d f r  ^ l t v ͻzi]Q]hsgh_YOJPJo(hsghdOJPJo( h%9hqfHo(q &hsghdCJ OJPJo( h%9h&MfHo(q &hsghdOJPJo(hsghdOJPJhEbhOJPJ"h qOJPJfHo(q &%h&MhdOJPJfHq &(h&Mh&MOJPJfHo(q &hEbhdOJPJv x     @ N P R l v_J<hsghdOJPJQJo((h/uh&MB*CJOJPJaJo(ph-h&MB*CJOJPJQJ\^JaJo(ph 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hrZ?h0OJPJQJ^JaJ hrZ?h0CJOJQJ^JaJ$hrZ?h0CJOJPJQJ^JaJ$hrZ?h0CJOJPJQJ^JaJ$hrZ?h0CJOJPJQJ^JaJ9A`````a a|a}aaaaBbCbNblbmbb c c\c]c^ccccNOZܧvhrZ?h0CJOJQJaJhrZ?h0CJOJPJaJU hrZ?h0CJOJPJQJaJ hrZ?h0CJOJPJQJaJ$hrZ?h0CJOJPJQJ^JaJ hrZ?h0CJOJQJ^JaJ hrZ?h0OJPJQJ^JaJ$hrZ?h0CJOJPJQJ^JaJ*mb cO\8%El$dx^`a$gdj $dxa$gdj/$^`a$gdj8$^`a$gdj-$a$gdj0$^`a$gdj/$^`a$gdjay be sold continuously if Party C provides sufficient factual evidence that such products are manufactured completely before the termination or dissolution of this Agreement, provided that Party C shall still pay the derivative benefits under Article 5 herein. III. Party C's obligation of confidentiality and liability for paying derivative benefits and performance bonds shall not be invalidated by the termination of this Agreement.Article 12 Modification of this Agreement I. This Agreement may be amended and supplemented with mutual written consent of the three parties, and the written consent signed by the three parties shall be attached to this Agreement as a part hereof and shall supersede the original clauses. II. Matters not stipulated in this Agreement shall be governed by Taiwans civil law and other relevant regulations. Article 13 Performance bond (exemptible if any derivative benefit is paid in one lump)I. At the time of signing this Agreement, Party C shall provide a performance bond of TWDs 300,000 in cash or as pledged bank certificates of time deposit (Party A is the pledgee). II. If Party C breaches this Agreement, Parties A and B may, based on the severity of breach, confiscate or dispose of the performance bond in full or in part, and may even claim compensation for other losses (if any). III. If Party C does not breach this Agreement, Party A shall refund this performance bond to Party C upon termination of the Agreement. Article 14 Consensual jurisdiction I. This Agreement shall be construed and regulated in accordance with the laws of Taiwan; the three parties agree to resolve any doubts or disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement based on the principle of good faith. II. With the consent of Party A, any dispute or controversy (if any) related to this Agreement shall be arbitrated in Taoyuan in accordance with Taiwan's arbitration law; with the consent of the three parties, any lawsuit (if any) related to this Agreement shall be resolved by the Taoyuan District Court as the court of first instance. Article 15 Contact information I. Notices or requests in connection with this Agreement shall be served in writing on the following premises and persons (hereinafter referred to as the "contact person"), and shall be deemed to have been served on the persons concerned of the three parties if served on such contact persons. Party As contact person: Yan-Fang LinTitle: Clerk E-mail: ylin@saturn.yzu.edu.twTel: 03-4638800 #2288Fax: 03-455-9378Address: No. 135 of Yuan Dong Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City (320)Party Bs contact person: Title: E-mail: Tel: Fax: Address: Party Cs contact person: Title: E-mail: Tel: Fax: Address: II. Changes in the contact person or contact data of any party shall be notified in writing to the two other parties. Article 16 Copies of this Agreement The original version of this Agreement is made in three copies, with Parties A, B, and C each holding one copy. Party A: Yuan Ze University (signed or sealed)Authorized representative: Cing-Rong Liao (president)Address: No. 135 of Yuan Dong Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City (320)Party B: (signed or sealed)( Department, Yuan Ze University) Domicile address: Party C: Co., Ltd. (stamped)Authorized representative: 00000000000000 (signed or sealed) (joint guarantor)Address: Unified corporate number: Date (mm/dd/yy): Appendix 1 Content of the licensed technology Appendix 2 Development Program ( Co., Ltd.) Appendix 3 Company Profile Date (mm/dd/yy): Agreement Program title: Company Company address Factory address ( The same as the company address ( ) Invoice address ( The same as the company address ( )Cooperation mode ( Cooperative research ( Early technology license % Early patent and technology license % Technology license ( Patent license % Patent and technology license % Priority in selection % Miscellaneous R&D fund for the licensed technology TWDs ( ) x 10,000Corporate size% Small and medium-sized enterprise % Large enterprise % Miscellaneous Unified number Chairman of the boardRegistered capital TWDs ( ) x 10,000General manager Annual sales TWDs ( ) x 10,000Staff size  Annual R&D fund (TWDs )R&D size Main products Sales destination  % [\78$%017CDEklӳ||hh'hrZ?h0CJOJPJQJ^JaJo($hrZ?h0CJOJPJQJ^JaJ hrZ?h0OJPJQJ^JaJ$hrZ?h0CJOJPJQJ^JaJ hrZ?h0CJOJQJ^JaJhrZ?h0CJOJPJaJhrZ?h0CJOJPJaJ 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