【法規新訂公告】6966集团网站教師資格審查認可作業推動小組設置要點【Announcement】The Newly Drafted Provisions of “YZU Guidelines for the Establishment of the Task Force for the Implementation of Faculty Qualification Review and Recognition”

【法規新訂公告】6966集团网站教師資格審查認可作業推動小組設置要點【Announcement】The Newly Drafted Provisions of “YZU Guidelines for the Establishment of the Task Force for the Implementation of Faculty Qualification Review and Recognition”

6966集团网站教師資格審查認可作業推動小組設置要點」條文新訂案,業經113年11月13日113學年第3次校教師評審委員會議通過。YZU Guidelines for the Establishment of the Task Force for the Implementation of Faculty Qualification Review and Recognition – Newly Drafted Provisions Approved by the 3rd Meeting of the School Faculty Evaluation Committee for the 113th Academic Year on November 13, 2024. please refer to the attachments.



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