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Also the degree conferral schools are listed in the reference rolls published by the Ministry, the submitted certificates are verified in accordance with the regulations governing verification of documents of the embassies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.%% The degree conferral school is not listed in the reference rolls published by the Ministry and shall be verified by the regulations.II. The entrance requirements shall be equal to the ones of equivalent schools in R.O.C. (The table of overseas degree verification for teacher qualification may be consulted.)%III. The study period shall be equal to the prescriptions of the equivalent schools in R.O.C. Holders of bachelor's degrees conferred by domestic universities, if pursuing Master's degree thereafter, they shall have studied in the respective school thereof for two full semesters or three full quarters. (Summer sessions are not considered.) The study period of Doctoral degrees shall be four full semesters or six full quarters. If pursuing Master's degree and Doctoral degree consecutively, they shall have studied six full semesters or nine full quarters.Note: A. The acquired course credits shall approximate to the prescriptions of equivalent schools in R.O.C. If parts of the course credits are taken in R.O.C. but recognized by foreign schools and the degrees or diplomas are thereafter obtained, this part of credits shall not exceed one third of the total credits. (The credits shall be taken from equivalent courses given by registered national universities.) Nevertheless, the study period shall still meet the regulations of the preceding paragraph.B. In circumstances where international academic exchange programs prescribe double degree enrollment at both a foreign university and a ROC university, the enrollment period at both universities may be held concurrently. At least 32 months of enrollment is required prior to conferral of a bachelors degree. At least 12 months of enrollment is required prior to conferral of a masters degree. At least 24 months of enrollment is required prior to conferral of a doctors degree. In circumstances described in the previous paragraph, course credits taken at both universities may be h78IJ  . 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Confirm the entry/exit record: Gather the information of the person concerned, e.g. name, gender, date of birth, ID number, and send to Immigration Office of National Police Agency of Ministry of the Interior (overseas Chinese shall send to the Police Bureau of Taipei City Government) so as to investigate the arrival/departure record during his or her study period and confirm his or her actual studies.$$%%`',,`G$dd$1$If[$\$^a$gd}Ikd$$IfFL!(0|'    4 ahyt}I$dd$1$If[$\$a$gd}I%_'(,,,,v--------------ǹǟǘhjjhjU h}Ih}Ih}IOJPJQJh}IB*OJQJaJo(ph333h}IB*OJQJaJph333h}IOJPJQJo(h}IOJPJQJo(Uh}Ih}ICJOJPJQJ!h}Ih}IB*OJQJaJph333%Professor ____________ of _________________ Department has been verified in accordance with the regulations and his/her degree is equivalent to the degree of _______________ in R.O.C.Verifier s Signature: Date:,,x-------r\MKFKFKgd^)$ 4$VD^ a$gd}I$dd1$VD[$\$^a$gd}Ikd$$If4FL!(0|'    4 ahf4yt}I-------gd^)61h2P:p}I. 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